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Born 1939 in northern England, a historian of Europe, graduated from Oxford University and the Jagiellonian University as well as other universities. Author of the famous book Rising ‘44. Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Gdańsk and the Jagiellonian University, decorated with the Order of Polonia Restituta. The Honorary Citizenship was conferred by Resolution No 342/XXII/2000 of the Lublin City Council of 13 April 2000. The Act conferring the Honorary Citizenship: The Lublin City Council has the honour to award Prof. Norman Davies with the title of Honorary Citizen of the City of Lublin. This Act is an expression of our gratitude and high appreciation of the achievements of Prof. Norman Davies as a great historian of our times. A person who has won many supporters, friends and readers through his authority, great friendliness and sincere attitude to Poland and to Poles, as for him Poland “is not just one of the European states damaged by war and trapped by problems arising from the need to adjust to the post-war conditions. For anyone who knows its history, Poland is much more. It is a treasury of ideas and values which can survive uncountable military and political disasters.” We thank you for your enormous contribution to uncovering the pages of our country’s history.

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