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Multimedia fountain show - Lublin is YOUth!

Strategic partner

European Youth Capital

European Youth Forum


Skende Shopping

Sempre a Frente Fundation

Multimedia fountain show - Lublin is YOUth!

On Saturday (May, 27) at 9.00 p.m. feel invited to Litewski Square for a multimedia fountain show "Lublin is YOUth!" held in English. The performance will take place as part of European Youth Capital Lublin 2023 celebrations with YOUTH as the main theme.

Youth is a difficult and beautiful time. Time of finding your own way, identity and discovering it for yourself, finding your place in the world full of dynamic changes. Owing to technological progress, we have gained new opportunities but also risks and threats that no one has dealt with before. Apart from wars, pandemics and economic downturn, people are threatened by self-isolation and loneliness in the world of digital devices and artificial intelligence. Cutting off from the world, emotions and alienating in your own problems, dilemmas turns out to be a solution to modern world issues. Adults react and deal with the challenges of life in different ways. Young people often have no one to turn to, or do not know where to look for help and who they can talk to.

The European Youth Capital is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, regardless of age, to leave our individual spaces for the community, which we can co-create even more effectively. Our multimedia show is a stimulus to leave the house, join in and co-create our city - our place.

Save the date!

More information about the shows you may find here.

Napis Lublin is #YOUth

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