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Film screening: Cinema at the Old Theatre - "Domino Effect" ("Efekt domina")

Film screening: Cinema at the Old Theatre - "Domino Effect" ("Efekt domina")
Start date 2015-02-23
Start time 18:00
Kategoria Film

Domino Effect/Efekt domina
Poland 2014 (premiere 26.09.2014) / running time: 76' / Certificate 12
Original audio with Polish subtitles
script and direction: Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosołowski

The main presentation will be preceded by the screening of a short-length film: Zmysły prysły / directed by Marcin Wasilewski / Poland 2013 / running time: 6'

The screening will be followed by Q & A with the invited guests– free online broadcast of the meeting will be available at video.teatrstary

Hosted by: Magda Sendecka
Guests: Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosołowski

In February we will focus on films featuring at least one summer-like scene. Still, we are not running away from problems. On the contrary, we aim to drench them in summery sunshine.

Critically acclaimed, the documentary of Elwira Niewiera and Piotr Rosołowski (co-creator of Oscar-nominated Królik po berlińsku) can be described as a love story set against the backdrop of the world of politics.

standard 10 PLN
concession 8 PLN

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