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A student from Lublin wins the prestigious international competition " When Sound Creates Image"

A student from Lublin wins the prestigious international competition " When Sound Creates Image"

We are pleased to announce that the film by Wiktor Malczyński, a student of the 5th Maria Skłodowska-Curie High School in Lublin, won the First Prize at the international competition - "Grand Prix" of the UNESCO Week of Sound International Competition: When Sound Creates Image!

As part of the competition, students from all over the world were encouraged to create a short film that composed of innovative images, guided and inspired by its evocative power. Young people from 20 countries on all continents submitted 171 films. Many of the films reflect upon global and local issues that are vital and essential to participating students, incl. climate change, biodiversity, discrimination, violence, health and friendship.

The author of the soundtrack, this year, is a Lebanese composer, Gabriel Yared. He is internationally renowned and exceptional composer of film music in French and American productions, winner of multiple prestigious awards, including an Oscar for the film "The English Patient" (1996).

 "I don't think in words, I only write with music" - Gabriel Yared - October 2020

Wiktor Malczyński's success is even greater as he became the first laureate of the "Grand Prix" from Poland (Eastern Europe). The award was presented during a ceremonial gala on January 21 in Paris, this year.


The Gala in Paris was held with the financial support of the City of Lublin.

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