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Lublin Coronavirus Update, May 6

Lublin Coronavirus Update, May 6

COVID-19 Update:

  • 218 new cases reported in Poland
  • 4 new cases in Lublin Region
  • 14 647 people infected in total
  • 723 deaths in total

Useful information:

Information on the admission of children to primary school

On April 30, 2020 at 12.00 an information about the qualification or non-qualification of the child to the institution was presented. This information was sent to you at the e-mail address provided in the application and is also visible in the system after logging into your account.

If the candidate has not qualified for any of the selected schools, the parent should apply to the district school. Such a candidate may participate in a supplementary recruitment. The list of schools that will conduct a supplementary recruitment will be published in the recruitment panel news.

For qualified candidates, a confirmation of the parent's will to accept the child in the particular primary school, will be the next step in the recruitment process. Confirmation of the will, takes place on 4-7 May this year. 

To confirm the decision, the parent should:

  • if he/she has an electronic signature - can confirm the will electronically in the system, using a qualified signature or a trusted profile of one parent and selecting the "confirm will" button,
  • if he/she does not have an electronic signature – the parent should send a completed and signed "declaration of will" via an e-mail to the e-mail address of the primary school.

The model of declaration and e-mail addresses of primary schools can be found in the "downloads" tab in the recruiting system.

To send a will declaration, save the downloaded declaration on your desktop, complete and sign, then attach it to your email and send it to the address of the qualification unit. You can also complete and sign that by hand, make a scan or take a picture and send it to the address of the qualification unit. If the will is not received, it eaquals a school resignation. Then, on May 11 this year at 13.00 the parent will receive information to the e-mail address provided in the application, on admission or non-admission of the child to the institution.

Lublin City Bike is available again from May 6

On Wednesday (May 6), Lublin City Bike will be available again to the residents of Lublin. Renting bicycles will be possible under the law regulation of the Council of Ministers of May 2, 2020. This year, users have access to 91 stations and 891 bicycles. 

The Lublin City Bike operator is obliged to carry out systematic disinfection of bicycles and terminals. Bikes can be rented without necessity to use the terminal via the mobile application. We recommend using gloves and disinfecting the handlebars and the saddle before using the bicycle.

We would like to remind you about an opportunity for participating in public consultations on the functioning of the city bike system in the coming years. 

Return of psychological and pedagogical counselling centres to work in a stationary mode

From May 4 this year, the possibility of operating psychological and pedagogical counselling centres in a stationary mode, has been restored. Counselling centres have the ability to perform tasks related in particular to issuing decisions on the need for a special education, the need for revalidation and educational classes etc.

Regarding to restrictions, orders and bans in relation to the epidemic, the work of the counselling centres should be organised in an appropriate way. Therefore, it is recommended that activities that do not need to be carried out in the clinic building, should be organised by using methods and techniques of a distance work, e.g. speech therapy classes.

Short questionnaire on the situation of foreigners during an epidemic

The Lublin Homo Faber Association, that has been supporting foreigners in Lublin for years, is conducting a survey on the situation of foreigners during a pandemic. In the survey you can share your current experiences:

  1. What has changed in your life because of the pandemic?
  2. Have you returned to your country of origin?
  3. Have you lost your job and you can't go back to it?
  4. Can't you finish your studies?

We invite you to participate and share your experience in a questionnaire!


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