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Wanda Półtawska (née Wojtasik) was born in Lublin in 1921. The years when a young person should live a casual life, studying and meeting friends were marked by war. In the wake of occupation, young Wanda joined the underground as a liaison. In February 1941, she was arrested by the Gestapo and detained at Lublin Castle. Then she was moved to the Ravensbrück concentration camp. In the camp, she was enrolled in the first group of the Ravensbrück “rabbits” – women and girls submitted to medical experiments. “The war changed everything,” remembers Wanda Półtawska. “It showed how a human being can switch from love to bestiality. But it was in the camp that I experienced moments of greatest love. When the Gestapo was to liquidate the “rabbits”, Wanda Dąbrowska came to me and suggested she would go to the roll call with my number. I declined the offer, but she went to the roll call with the youngest girl guide’s number. The same proposal was made to us by a Norwegian woman, a complete stranger, who wanted to sacrifice her life so someone could testify to what actually had happened there” – source: TK Niedziela 26/2008, author: U. Buglewicz. Despite the terrifying camp experience, Wanda Półtawska retained faith in love and people. In all she does, both in her personal and professional life, she consistently seeks to prove that life is the highest value. She is a physician, lecturer, populariser of the teachings of John Paul II on the holiness of marriage and family. Doctor Półtawska is a consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family and honorary member of the Pontifical Academy of Life, as well as author of about four hundred publications on psychiatry, protection of the unborn, sick and elderly, protection of marriage and family. An author of heart-breaking memories: I boję się snów (And I’m Afraid of Dreams), Stare rachunki (Old Scores), Z prądem i pod prąd (Downstream and Upstream) which confirm the steadfastness of her principles, heroism of service, and ability to forgive. In 1981, she was awarded the medal “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice”.

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