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Different Sounds Art'n'Music Festiva

Different Sounds Art'n'Music Festiva

The meetings are addressed to people of all ages, working or spending their holidays in Lublin, living in Lublin and organising their holidays in such a way as to stay in the city for the time of the event. The festival is not only a great artistic event, but also a project accompanied by a series of debates on European identity. The characteristic feature of the festival is that its organisers invite artists to create musical projects especially for this festival. The festival has hosted such artists as: Morcheeba, Tinariven, Dubioza Collective, VooVoo & Haydamaky, Watcha Clan, Russkaja, Balkan Beat Box or Los de Abajo, Twinkle Brothers & Trebunie Tutki.

Tel./fax: +48 81 532 22 89

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