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Lublin as the Centre for East European Competences

Lublin as the Centre for East European Competences

It was presented by Mr. Paweł Prokop, the Mayor’s Advisor on social participation and cross-border cooperation.

Six main chapters regarding the programme of the concept were diagnosed through an analysis of the character and the areas of cooperation based on a detailed discussion of the idea of the development of Lublin.

1) civil society and participation;
2) efficient management in public administration;
3) cultural initiatives for the development;
4) science and education;
5) business cooperation and investments;
6) coaching change leaders.

For many years, NGOs and the Lublin Self-Government have been successful in cooperating with their partners from the Eastern Europe. The network of NGOs in Lublin is quite extensive. Owing to our experience and knowledge regarding various Eastern European issues, our city and various organizations and institutions may successfully provide information and counseling services to partners from the Eastern Europe. As a result of the above, we can share our experience as far as social interaction and civil society is concerned with our Eastern European partners.

The Centre for East European Competences will be based on the UNDP Office in Lublin.

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