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Marine-Shanty-Chor Münster in Lublin

Marine-Shanty-Chor Münster in Lublin

Der Marine-Shanty-Chor-Münster was founded in 1982 by “der Marine-Kameradschaft Münster” choir members. Love for sea was the main theme to create shanty songs. Thanks to many public performances in the country and abroad, Marine-Shanty-Chor became a popular, cultural ambassador of Münster. The choir is welcome at many festivals. As one of the 60 biggest choirs from Münster, with a repertoire of over 60 songs, Marine-Shanty-Chor performs at many events. The band also gives charity performances in senior houses and hospitals. Every year in the Advent period, the choir organises benefit concerts, the profit  being donated to social equipment or humanitarian aid.

Münster artists will perform two concerts in Lublin. They will also participate in a Christmas Eve’s meeting at Wiktoria Michelisowa Social Assistance Centre in Lublin.

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