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Polcon the first time in years in Lublin

Polcon the first time in years in Lublin

The oldest and the most important science fiction event will take place in Lublin in 2017! The event is organised every year in a different city and the organiser is chosen by the participants of Polcon two years in advance.


The Polish National SF Convention Polcon is the name reserved for one meeting of fantasy fans in a given year. The first open convention took place in October 1985 in Błażejewko near Poznań. Clubs jointly issued regulations of Polcon at that time as the annual celebration of clubs and fantasy enthusiasts. The convention has always indicated how effective the cooperation between the clubs in Poland is. The members of clubs from other cities are engaged in organising the meeting, establishing the programme and the setting.


The four day programme of the festival includes meetings with authors, fiction publishers and critics, film screenings, role-playing games, panel discussions, competitions and games, promotion of books and fantasy games, SF graphics and painting exhibitions and many more. One of the highlights of Polcon is awarding Janusz A. Zajdel Prize. The organisers of the convention invite foreign writers as well. The setting of Polcon is constituted by the convention directory with the programme of the meeting and information about invited guests, screened films and even short literary forms.


Polcon 2016 will be organised in Wrocław as part of ESK (European Capital of Culture). The organisers of Polcon in Wrocław and Lublin will support both events and will closely cooperate with each other as partners. This year's edition of the convention will take place in Poznań. The main organiser of the event is Cytadela Syriusza Fantasy Association in Lublin.


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