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Sunny Wrotków Resort expansion

Sunny Wrotków Resort expansion

What is more, Sunny Wrotków resort offers:
• two children's playgrounds,
• outdoor fitness equipment,
• two dinings: “Przystań Chwiejba” and “Bar pod Fokiem”.

Last year's novelty was preparing the site for different events (a tent used as a restaurant and roofed stage for bands).
In connection with the European funds allocated for the resort, Sunny Wrotków will continue its expansion. Furthermore, its infrastructure is going to be improved:
- one of the biggest attractions proposed for the youngest will be a big, thematic playground;
- for the sake of the safety, the monitoring system will be installed and the cabinets for storing valuables during the stay at the resort will be purchased;
- the bottom of the pond will be paved, which will improve the quality of water.

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