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Competition between schools

Competition between schools

Competition between schools and universities

The aim of organising sports competitions for Lublin schools is the popularisation and promotion of sport between school children and youth, the development of sport interests among students, the improvement of their fitness and athleticism, the creation of favourable conditions for the development of sport master skills, as well as the promotion of healthy attitudes and eco-friendly activity among the entire school community.

Grants awarded from the budget of the Lublin Borough for the implementation of public tasks as part of the project ‘Organisation of School Sports Competitions’ were used to organise individual competitions in three categories: Games for primary school pupils organised by The Foundation for the Development of Sport, Lower-secondary Games for Lower-secondary school children and Upper-secondary Games for Upper-secondary school students organised by the Municipal School Sport Association.

You can find a calendar of current sports competitions at: Współzawodnictwo Sportowe Szkół Miasta Lublin.

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