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Inkubator Animacji Kultury

Inkubator Animacji Kultury

Culture Workshops in Lublin announce a call for applications for another edition of Inkubator Animacji Kultury (Incubator of Culture Animation).
The project goal is to improve management and project-drafting skills of employees and volunteers associated with cultural entities. This is an innovative laboratory of ideas and creativity, where media lab work principles are used to conceive of soft projects and innovative solutions for culture. Providing most recent information about the cultural sector and creating a ground for sharing ideas and experiences, the Incubator offers development opportunities for creative individuals actively involved in culture. Also, the project aim is both to encourage participants to greater occupational mobility and inter-sector cooperation and to stimulate changes in cultural institutions. This year’s edition of the project will include a series of courses and workshops held as six-hour weekend classes, starting October 2013 until January 2014. PROJECT PARTICIPANTS The project is intended to establish a system of training that resembles postgraduate courses, therefore it is designed for participants who have experience working in the cultural sector and now wish to improve their skills. The target group will comprise of participants who have employment contracts or civil law agreements with various cultural institutions; it can also include volunteers affiliated with said institutions who can document such cooperation. Candidates can apply for a place in one of the two following training groups (each group consisting of 15 people): Inkubator Animacji Kultury (Incubator of Culture Animation) - a general course for cultural organizers and cultural managers devoted to rules, possibilities and good practices of running local, national and international cultural projects; Dzielnicowy Inkubator Kultury (Community Incubator of Culture) - a course intended mainly for employees and associates of community cultural centres as well as organizations with their activities aimed at Lublin districts. PROGRAMME The project includes a series of courses and workshops, scheduled as 14 weekend classes of six hours each for both training groups. The classes will be divided into the following thematic units: Organization of the cultural sector in Poland Culture management – management models for various cultural sector institutions Mission, vision and strategy. Part I Mission, vision and strategy. Part II How to commit your ideas to paper? Workshops on writing grant applications. Part 1 How to commit your ideas to paper? Workshops on writing grant applications. Part 2 Project management Funding sources Marketing in culture Financial and non-financial cooperation with business Difficult art of working with people – team-building, team work How to write and speak about culture to reach an audience? Cultural education in cultural institutions Audience development More information about the project and recruitment procedures can be found at www.warsztatykultury CONTACT Agnieszka Wojciechowska e-mail: phone.: +48 81 466 59 08 mobile: + 48 607 544 366 Dariusz Figura e-mail: mobile: + 48 609 32 30 42

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