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Patterns of Europe | Wzory Europy

Patterns of Europe | Wzory Europy

The Workshops of Culture will start in October a series of workshops for folk artists and designers. On 6-7 November 2014 the institution will hold a conference entitled “Patterns of Europe: Cultural Heritage and Modern Design.” The workshops run as part of the project “Patterns of Europe | Wzory Europy” will deal with the problem of modern design in the context of design traditions of the Lublin region. The aim of the workshops is to encourage modern designers to take an interest in rich folk culture and provide folk artists with new opportunities of cooperation at the same time. The project will also include professional trainings to improve the skills of participants from both groups. The workshop participants will explore the borderline between the function, usefulness and appearance as well as examine the process for producing applied art objects, from the very idea to its execution. They will learn how to design modern patterns of the Lublin region and souvenirs from Lublin. They will also experiment with shapes and patterns of clay pottery. Participants will focus on context and cultural background in order to design absolutely original and unique objects. Design workshops Traditional patterns from the Lublin region (25-26 October 2014) Effective promotion and communication in the creative sector (8-9 November 2014) Design materials: From the idea to its execution (15-16 November 2014) Creative workshops Copyright law in folk art (8-9 November 2014) On the project method (15-16 November 2014) How to sell your works and not sell yourself at the same time? A folk artist on the market (22-23 November 2014) Cross-sectorial workshops Lublin Patterns: A workshop on graphic design (22-23 November 2014) Between the form and the usefulness: Deconstruction of objects (29-30 November 2014) You can learn anything with a bit of practice: A ceramics design workshop (6-7 December 2014) Souvenirs from Lublin: A workshop by the design thinking method (13-14 December 2014) Limited number of places. Advance booking required via the online application form available at: The objective of ”Patterns of Europe | Wzory Europy” is to begin in Lublin a long-term dialogue between folk culture and modern design. The project is a starting point for complex thinking and actions for the protection of design traditions and the development of creative sectors in our region. The project will put an emphasis on the presentation of specific objects produced thereby and the promotion of philosophy and methods of cross-sectorial cooperation and creative design. For more information about ”Patterns of Europe | Wzory Europy” visit the Workshop of Culture's website.

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