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Lublin - a Folk Planet

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Lublin - a Folk Planet

A series of events “Lublin - a Folk Planet” starts on December 6th. There are numerous cultural events planned for folk lovers (and not only). All events deal with various aspects of folk culture, but also with art inspired by it: music, movies, or fine arts. The event encompasses a well-known festival “Mikołajki Folkowe,” “Ukraina w Centrum Lublina” project and accompanying concerts of Kwadrofonik and Kairos.
The aim of the events is to get to know cultural models that are different from the western ones, as well as and non-commercial music, and break the barriers dividing nations and ethnic groups. Also the educational role of the “Mikołajki Folkowe” festival is important, for instance the role of “Scena Otwarta” (Open Scene) – a competition for young artists inspired by folk music. This competition has existed for 10 years and it is judged by professional and kind jury. There are also artistic workshops that enable people to participate actively in the festival. The 18th International Folk Music Festival “Mikołajki Folkowe” was initiated by Orkiestra Świętego Mikołaja. “Mikołajki Folkowe” is the oldest and one of the biggest festivals presenting music inspired by folklore. The festival has taken place since 1991. It aims to promote traditional culture in its all manifestations, mainly through presentations of artistic transformations of folk. The artists create free, different from the schemes, interpretations of the folk sources with the use of contemporary means. And such activities lead to original and contemporary music that preserves traditional folk values. The Folk Music Festival “Mikołajki Folkowe” is a part of the “Lublin – a Folk Planet” event. The festival pass costs 40 zł see more at:

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