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The Central European Theatre Festival “The Neighbours”

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The Central European Theatre Festival “The Neighbours”

A meeting of East-Central Europe theatre traditions will take place between 9th and 14th of July in Lublin; the upcoming “Neighbours” Central Europe Festival is to help to popularize the artistic projects whose authors are Poland’s western neighbours.
The Central European Theatre Festival, “The Neighbours” creates a common ground for meeting of theatre traditions of the countries in the Central Eastern Europe. The plays performed during the festival will be divided into three main categories including: theatre plays, street performances and various forms of children theatre. All kinds of theatres may participate in the festival: institutional theatres, professional groups as well as independent and alternative artists. The only criterion will be the level of artistic quality presented by participants. The festival programme will be supported by various additional artistic events such as concerts, exhibitions and meetings. The Central European Theatre Festival, “The Neighbours” is supposed to be a platform of exchanging artistic experience among theatre circles from Central European countries. The festival takes a form of a competition. Qualification of a play to a given category is based on the opinion of assessors from the participating countries, who are highly qualified professionals. They represent cultural and theatre organisations which are the partners of the project. During the festival it is also planned to organise the series of meetings with writers and artists from Central Europe countries. That will be an excellent occasion to discus the cultural heritage, contemporary challenges, and the future of the specific region.

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