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"Jailed. Młyńska 1" Theatre of the Eight Day

"Jailed. Młyńska 1" Theatre of the Eight Day
Start date 2011-10-16
Start time 17:00
Location Radio Lublin, ul. Obrońców Pokoju 2

directed by: Team work
script: Ewa Wójciak
cooperation: Adam Borowski, Tadeusz Janiszewski, Marcin Kęszycki, Paulina Skorupska
space design, video screenings: Jacek Chmaj
video editing, sound effects: Jacek Kolasa
video recordings: Maciej Sierpień, Maciej Włodarczyk
produced by: Małgorzata Grupińska-Bis, Tomasz Jefimowicz
cast of the films: Dawid Błaszczak, Janusz K, Artur Krauze, Mateusz Kuźmicz, Max, Konrado Moreno, Marek Ziółkowski, Maciej Żelezny
cast: Adam Borowski, Tadeusz Janiszewski, Marcin Kęszycki, Ewa Wójciak
Poznań, 60 min

The project is the effect of collaboration of the Theatre of the Eight Day with the jail at the Młyńska street in Poznań. The performance is a result of working with eight prisoners for several weeks. It took a long time to get to know and understand their stories and we tried to separate the things that happened only to them from what can happen to anyone. The most fascinating part was to show emotional struggle of the people who committed sometimes quite violent crimes. We wanted to go beyond the social explanation for their fates, the dreadful negligence they experienced, the crimes their committed, we wanted to discover their less obvious, mysterious sides. We learn that “evil is banal” and humanity is complicated. For this reason the artists juxtaposed the prisoners’ stories with the works of Rainer Maria Rilke, the most metaphysical of poets. The performance has two sets; the theatre room, where the actors tell the story of the jailed and the screen, on which we watch the prisoners speaking with the words of the author of the “Duino Elegies”.

Tickets: 30 / 40 zł

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