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The Seeing Place - opening

The Seeing Place - opening
Start date 2011-10-04
Start time 17:00
Kategoria Event

Objects reminiscent of giant eyeballs with camera installed in them, will be set up in different spots around Lublin, spots characterized by the vitality of a great flow of human masses passing to-and-fro. The images captured by the objects will be transmitted, in a manner similar to that of closed-circuit security monitoring system, to a central computer placed in a special location. An interconnected system of screens installed in areas of the city which have either been somewhat forgotten or neglected in some fashion, will project a stream of images, faces and gestures. In this way, an abandoned area will become populated with the video-presence of the city’s inhabitants. In a reciprocal manner, a person “looking into the eye” will hear information inviting them to
physically discover the real place which they have just witnessed only virtually. Persuaded by the voices which they have heard, they will gain the ability to transcend a certain visual barrier. As their reflection becomes absorbed by the semisphere, it vanishes, only to reappear at the bottom of the eye. The resulting sense of illusion serves to emphasize the nature of the connection with the realm which lies on “the other side of the looking glass”. The selection of places will occur during the artist’s residential stay in Lublin, in collaboration with the city’s citizens, community groups and institutions involved in the process of planning Lublin’s cultural space.

The project personifies an abandoned space on the one hand (such a desolate space “looks” with its “eyes” upon other, more populous spots), while on the other it is a projection of the longings and worries of the city’s citizens themselves (represented by the local environment). An additional practical impact of the project is witnessed in the possibility of drawing attention to a particular place, which becomes manifest and reminds the city’s inhabitants of its existence through a presence in a virtual, temporary art space.

"Eyeballs" are placed in six places in Lublin: Main bus station, Main post office, City Hall, U Szewca Pub, MCSU Library, Workshops of Culture.

The work will be exhibited from October 3 through 7 (12.00 - 8.00pm) and from October 8 through 23 (12.00- 5.00pm). Free admission

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