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Meeting with Ewa Benesz

Meeting with Ewa Benesz
Start date 2013-03-20
Start time 17:00
Location Ośrodek "Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN", ul. Grodzka 21
Kategoria Panel discussion

Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre” Centre invites to a meeting with Ewa Benesz which is a part of the series "Szkoła z Mistrzem" – „A School with a Master”, a part of an educational project "School with..."

The session will be hosted by Fr Tomasz Dostatni OP ("Ponad Granicami" Foundation).
The meeting with z Ewa Benesz is another in the series of meetings under common title „School with a Master” which is a part of a new educational project of the Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre “School with…”

Ewa Benesz – actor and performer, translator. She collaborated with The Byrskis Theatre, Jerzy Grotowski Laboratory Theatre, The Ester Rachel and Ida Kaminska Jewish Theater in Warsaw. In 1970 she was a co-founder of the Puławy Theatre Studio. Since 1973 she has presented Psalmy przyszłości narodu polskiego and between 1976 and 1980 she travelled around the country where she recited Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz. Since 1983 she has lived abroad. Between 1982 and1996 Benesz worked in collaboration with Rena Mirecka.

Starting with 1993 she co-organised the International Centre of Work, Italy. Since 1997 she has been running paratheatrical experiments there, and since2000 – practical theatrical studies on Mediterranean cosmological myths together with an group of international actors. She has been a visiting professor at Italian universities Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples, the University of Catania and Ca` Foscari in Venice.

Free admission.

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