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Battle for Culture. Made in Poland

Battle for Culture. Made in Poland
Start date 2013-05-21
Start time 18:00

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
The discussion panel will be broadcasted online at theatre’s website. Admission to the event is free of charge.

Host: Łukasz Drewniak
Guests: Joanna Kiliszek, Andrzej Jaroszyński
What is the state of Polish culture abroad? Our literature used to be known around the world. Lem, Miłosz, Mrożek, Kapuściński, Gombrowicz. But in those times Poland was seen as an exotic country from behind the Iron Curtain and is literature was a sign of rebelling against the communist regime. Today we are only a country on the dead end of Europe. Is the world interested in our literature and why is this interest so weak? Stasiuk, Tokarczuk, Masłowska, these are the authors translated into other languages. Will there be others?MA in Art History at Warsaw University. Cultural manager and art critic. Deputy director of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute since 2008. Gained professional experience in the field of cultural management at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. and subsequently as director of Wieża and Dziekanka Galleries in Warsaw. Worked as cultural correspondent for Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita, Art&Business and Focus magazine. Served as director of the Polish Institute in Leipzig, and later in Berlin, reforming the latter and initiating structural changes. A member of the International Association of Art Critics, and the Civic Forum for Contemporary Art.

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