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Polonia Theatre "Danuta W."

Polonia Theatre "Danuta W."
Start date 2013-06-14
Start time 19:00

Directed by Janusz Zaorski, based on Danuta Wałęsa’s book "Dreams and Secrets".
This is how Krystyna Janda, who plays the role of Danuta Wałęsa, describes her work on the performance: "This performance and this role, with the legendary leader of Solidarność and the former president of Poland in the background, was one of the greatest challenges in my life; not only my professional life but also my life as a human being and a citizen.” Every day the confessions of Danuta Wałęsa evoke admiration and great emotions. The performance had its premiere on 12 October at the Teatr Wybrzeże in Gdańsk.

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