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The Final Gala Ceremony: The Prize-winners’ concert and the performance of Piotr Rogucki

The Final Gala Ceremony: The Prize-winners’ concert and the performance of Piotr Rogucki
Start date 2013-04-14
Start time 18:00
Location Akademickie Centrum Kultury "Chatka Żaka", ul. Radziszewskiego 16

The organizers of the 2nd Ogólnopolski Festiwal Piosenki Artystycznej Wschody 2013 (Nationwide Art Song Festival") would like to invite all enthusiasts of genuine musical expression to The Prize-winners’ Gala, the final concert of the festival. During the event you will hear the best young singers chosen and assessed by the jury of professional musicians: Barbara Stępniak-Wilk, Urszula Bobryk andJan Poprawa.
The star of the Prize-winners’ concert will be Piotr Rogucki, the leader of Coma, with his solo performance.

20 PLN - concessional (advanced booking)
25 PLN - regular (advanced booking)
30 PLN – on the day of the event

Tickets available at Rock Bar, Radziszewskiego 17 (UMCS Campus)

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