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Concert: "Energies of the City"

Concert: "Energies of the City"
Start date 2013-06-08
Start time 21:00
Location Plac po Farze

Plac Po Farze (The Parish Church Square) is going to be the central point of the Night of Culture in Lublin. Energies of the City will flow from the stage where exceptional duets formed only for the night will perform.
On the stage next to local artists the audience will see stars invited for the evening in a special repertoire dedicated to this year’s edition of the Night of Culture. The artists will present cover songs as well as premiere performances of pieces related to the subject of ‘urban energies’. The energies are diverse and so are our guests but this evening every one of them will find its place on the stage. We will then hear rock, urban folk, reggae, hip hop as well as jazz, soul or sung poetry and all of those styles will be presented in unusual, specially arranged way.

Artists who accepted the invitation are: Tymon Tymański, Hubert Spięty Dobaczewski, Tomasz Budzyński, Natalia Przybysz, Candaleria Saenz Valiente and Marcin Masecki, Jacek Kleyff, Robert Brylewski, Jacek Bieleński and Michał Bunio Skrok.

The list of local artists is equally impressive. We will see on stage: Paweł Passini, Anastazja and Zosia Bernad, Sylwia Lasok, Marysia Natanson, Junior Stress, Natty B, Łukasz Jemioła, Tallib, Miąższ band and Jerzy Słoma Słomiński.
D’Roots Brothers is responsible for musical setting of the whole event. This superb ensemble will become a kind of a big band for the night to accompany the invited vocalists.

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