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Might and Night of Improvisation

Might and Night of Improvisation
Start date 2013-06-08
Start time 19:00
Location Akademickie Centrum Kultury "Chatka Żaka", ul. Radziszewskiego 16

A physical and metaphysical gathering of local and national artists. A group of twenty writers, poets, musicians, actors, dancers and choreographers will have 24 hours to produce and present to the local audience four exceptional shortform plays. The effects of mutual work, an illustration of the motto of this edition of the Night of Culture: ‘Energies of the City’, will be presented in three scenes. The viewers will have influence on actors’ action on stage during performances. The actors will only be equipped in a few general directions to guide them and organize improvisation and to introduce an element of ‘controlled randomness’ to attract the audience. All groups will be given the same slogan which is to be their watchword during the work on the plays. This year it is the motto of the Night of Culture – ‘Energies of the City.
Additionally, at the first meeting on Friday, each group draws one of three available suggestions, called SITUATION. With these fragmentary guidelines in mind, they will use their creative powers to produce a maximum 15-minute long piece of stage performance in chosen modes of artistic expression.

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