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Concert: Voo Voo & the Gidle Orchestra

Concert: Voo Voo & the Gidle Orchestra
Start date 2013-07-07
Start time 20:00
Kategoria Koncert

Voo Voo & the Gidle Orchestra (special project)

A special project dedicated to 2013 edition of the Inne Brzmienia Festival. The Voo Voo group has been associated with Lublin for over 20 years. During that time Mirek Olszówka, the creator of the festival, a producer of the Voo Voo album records and the creator of special projects (Harmonia, Voo Voo & Haydamaky), was a band manager. In 2012, the group released another album entitled “Nowa płyta (New Album)”, which received positive reviews, and clubs were crowded with audience at their concerts. The project entitled:Voo Voo & the Gidle Orchestra is a synthesis of band’s experiences from the times of cooperation with Ukrainians. This time, however, the Voo Voo group will be joined by a 25-person brass band from Gidle whose music will complement the sound of the the Voo Voo by adding an “Eastern and Balkan element” to it.

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