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Concert: "Miąższ"

Concert: "Miąższ"
Start date 2013-08-23
Start time 21:00
Location Most im. inż. Mariana Lutosławskiego
Kategoria Koncert

Miąższ is a band comprised of Karol Koolor Gadzało, Sebastian Pikula and Joanna Ewa Zawłocka. For the last four years, the group has been growing from strength to strength writing songs and performing all over Poland. The trio is renowned for its light arrangements and farcical lyrics that are not, however, typified by banality. In fact, Miąższ is artistically quite unique if only because of its tongue-in-cheek stylings. While on stage, the group always delivers, giving a rousing performance that is not taken lightly by audiences. That is why concert-goers should expect the unexpected.

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