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Miasto movie - Kim Ki-duk's "3-Iron"

Miasto movie - Kim Ki-duk's "3-Iron"
Start date 2013-12-18
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A
Kategoria Film

Miasto movie - Kim Ki-duk's "3-Iron"
„3-Iron”, directed by Kim Ki-duk, running time: 88’, 2004.

“3-Iron” – one of the most intriguing movies in the oeuvre of Korean mood master Kim Ki-duk. His “3-Iron” is a subtle story of a man who breaks into apartments and houses in their rightful owners’ and occupants’ absence. He does not do so with a view to robbing them of (no pun intended) house and home but to spending some time on their premises. In return, as if to apologise for entering without consent, he keeps the living space tidy, does the washing and hoovering. The plot thickens when one of the supposedly vacant houses turns out to be occupied by a young, mysterious girl. A meeting between the man and the girl ensues, a meeting of two lonely people who share their individual alienation. The film, artfully written and directed by Kim Ki-duk, is steeped in the style of an urban fable. However, at one (breaking) point the stylisation is shattered violently as the harsh reality of the outside world enters the house. The perspective of both the main characters and the viewers is altered irrevocably.
It is worth delving into the cinematic universe of “3-Iron” and be surrounded by the haunting mood generated by the director who is an unparalleled master of storytelling, of weaving narratives in a simple way but not devoid of poetry and magic. The movie abounds in Kim Ki-duk’s signature interweaving of realist and metaphysical elements. Together, they contribute to the creation of a unique filmic masterpiece, such as “3-Iron”.

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