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Film showcase: Etudes - Special Awards.

Film showcase: Etudes - Special Awards.
Start date 2013-12-20
Start time 18:00
Kategoria Film

Film showcase: Etudes - Special Mention.

MUKA!, directed by Kordian Kądziela, WRiTV, Poland, 2012, 27’ – Audience Award

Józef is forty years old and has few reasons to greet each morning with a smile on his face. He has had loads of women but no friends at all. His living space is limited to three square metres. Muka! is a bitter-sweet narrative based on select motifs of Franz Kafka’s “Trial” as well as on the life experience of Piotr K., a Pole living in Racławice Śląskie in the Opole region.

ŚWIĘTO ZMARŁYCH/ALL SOULS’ DAY, directed by Aleksandra Terpińska, WRiTV, Poland, 2011, 18’ – Special Mention

A growing up girl raised alongside her brother by their grandmother is on the lookout for adult role models. With the mother gone, and the father never known, she is on her own until after many years later she finds her long-lost father. Will he be able to answer her most pressing questions?

ROZMOWA/CONVERSATION, directed by Piotr Sułkowski, PWSFTViT, Poland, 2011, 16’ – The Great Underrated Award

Once I knew what god meant to me but now the definition escapes me. If the god existed, then there would have been some sort of divine intervention: I would have been stopped on the last step when I was coming down to enter this man’s apartment to kill him.

PARVANEH, directed by Talkhon Hamzavi, ZHdK, Switzerland, 2012, 25’ – FICC Jury Award

Lost in the reality of Switzerland, a female migrant worker from Afghanistan wants to send some money to one of her relatives back in her mother country. The money is urgently needed as it will provide medical treatment. However, the protagonist’s legal status does not allow her to transfer money freely. She is unexpectedly helped by a Swiss peer.

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