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Book it! - Meeting with Tymon Tymański and Rafał Księżyk

Book it! - Meeting with Tymon Tymański and Rafał Księżyk
Start date 2014-02-06
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A

Book it! - Meeting with Tymon Tymański and Rafał Księżyk

A meeting with yass, jazz, avant-garde, alt rock musician Tyman Tymański and journalist, writer, music and art critic Rafał Księżyk, who will be discussing their joint recently published book "ADHD", an interview-style biography of Tymański.

Hosted by Agnieszka Wojciechowska and Rafał Chwała.

Music is an art that usually speaks for itself. However, sometimes in order to understand it better, it is worth getting to know more about the reality in which music was composed and its accompanying contexts. Equally, it is worth delving deeper into the stories behind the music, treating it as more than an end-product but as a platform for dialogue, for giving authors, writers, lyricists, performers or experts a vehicle for voicing their opinions. The Book it! series is the perfect occasion to do so.

„Book it! – briefly about music” is a series of meetings with artists – renowned and unique musicians active on the Polish scene. In the Workshops of Culture we meet invited authors (writers) and/or protagonists (musicians) of recently published books on music. The pretext and the basis for each meeting is a public discussion about a book, but also about life, culture, music, and people. Every single meeting follows its own scenario: sometimes we are provided a very vivid description of historical events (as well as of the hysterics and the histrionics of the times) our guest experienced first-hand and co-created; sometimes we are treated to a set of anecdotes about artistic flamboyance, and at other times we hear poignantly personal confession-like accounts. There are walks down invited guests’ memory lanes: recollections of life on tour, snippets of life’s wisdom, reflective meditation upon serious matters. As it often happens in (real) life, some of the guests are more than willing to speak. By contrast, others, perhaps tongue-tied by nature, need gentle encouragement, some cajoling even, before their tongues become loosened and their free-flowing narratives kick in, leaving us entranced, all ears, hanging on to their every word.

Each meeting consists of a few parts, which together constitute a kaleidoscopic portrait of invited guests, musical genres they specialise in, and the history of Polish music scene to which they undoubtedly added their own chapters. Apart from conversations and discussions, followed by a Q and A session (a chance for you to ask the guest of the evening a question), you can watch unique films and each evening ends by an intimate and incomparable live concert, an unparalleled performance not to be missed for the world.

So make a regular date and don’t be late as the Book it! meetings with artists as story-tellers happen once a month, always on Thursday.


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