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Little Music („Mała muzyka”)

Little Music („Mała muzyka”)
Start date 2014-02-09
Start time 16:00

“Little Music” („Mała muzyka”)

“Little Music” („Mała muzyka”) is a series of meetings aimed specially at the younger audience, at the little ones. Children are encouraged to actively participate in the concert, the basis of which is instrumental, vocal, and motor improvisation. It is the kids that through their engagement lead “this musical conversation” further on while musicians-animators attempt to rise up to the challenge of the children’s unbridled imagination.

Tickets: 25 PLN (one ticket allows to enter one child accompanied by a guardian).

Tickets are available from the Theatre’s box office. Advance booking is recommended.

The type of musical dialogue that we advocate in “Little Music” is a conversation using the language of music that each human being is born with. The purpose of “Little Music” is to reach deep down to the inborn musicality of each individual and to make constant use of the ability to perceive sounds, to distinguish them, to tell them apart, and to remember them effectively. Also, the ability to make sense of the sounds and to be attuned to the emotionality of music will be drawn upon in the course of “Little Music”, our interactive journey into sound.

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