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Invasion of Insects: A Carnival Ball for Children

Invasion of Insects: A Carnival Ball for Children
Start date 2014-02-15
Start time 15:00
Kategoria Event

Invasion of Insects is a carnival ball for children held within the DZIECINADA series. Why are there no insects in winter? The answer is simple—they are partying at the Węglin Cultural Community Centre. We invite ants, wasps, bees, bumblebees, horseflies, flies and even obnoxious mosquitoes to take part in our CARNIVAL COSTUME BALL. Let the music drive insects into frenzy. Buzzzzzz...

Fee: PLN 5
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About the series:
DZIECINADA is a series of educational and art-related events for children. Children will learn new skills, take part in workshops and meetings that will show them how to pass time in a creative and entertaining way. The programme of the series includes concerts, theatre performances and dances. All this because the Węglin Cultural Community Centre takes children very seriously! The series is coordinated by Sylwia Wójcik. The media sponsors of the events held within the series are:, a news and entertainment portal, and, a portal for parents from Lublin.

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