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Cinema at the Old Theatre - Nosferatu

Cinema at the Old Theatre - Nosferatu
Start date 2014-02-17
Start time 18:00
Kategoria Film

Cinema at the Old Theatre – Nosferatu

"Nosferatu” (“Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens”)
Germany 1922 / running time: 94' / Certificate 16
German audio with Polish subtitles
Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
Screenplay: Henrik Galeen
Starring: Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim, Greta Schröder

During the screening original live music (film score) by an instrumental ensemble conducted by composer Rafał Rozmus will be performed.

Tickets: standard: 25 PLN, concession: 20 PLN

According to filmmaker Werner Herzog, who himself shot an unforgettable remake of “Nosferatu”, Murnau’s film is a true masterpiece of German expressionism and the most seminal German movie ever. This is a story of a vampire in love with a portrait of a woman, who sets sail on a phantom ship in order to win the woman over. To this day, in spite of its understandable technical anachronisms, this almost a hundred-year-old movie stands the test of time, remaining an unbeatable white-knuckle horror classic. Partially, it is all due to mood-enhancing and almost unreal cinematography of Fritz Arno Wagner, masterfully making the most of light and vintage special effects. Equally, the acting skills of the leading characters are unparalleled, contributing significantly to the overall impression.

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