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Film screening: The Act of Killing

Film screening: The Act of Killing
Start date 2014-03-10
Start time 20:00
Location ACK "Chatka Żaka", ul. Radziszewskiego 16
Kategoria Film

Film screening: The Act of Killing

"The Act of Killing"
directed by: Joshua Oppenheimer
Denmark/Norway/United Kingdom 2012 (running time: 115 min)

Filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer spent a few interviewing former officers of the Indonesian death brigades. Under the lofty banner of liberty and fight against communism in the 1960s mass executions were carried out, which to this day have not been accounted for. It transpires that the erstwhile masters of life and death are overly talkative and quite informative as far as the gruesome details of the killings are concerned. The modus operandi of the Indonesian murderers was very filmic, very cinematic, and very much non-metaphorical. The director invited the officers to take a walk down the memory lane, to return to the roots of the massacres – to the film itself …

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