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Concert: Lekso Gremelashvil and Kairos "Men's Vocal Ensemble"

Concert: Lekso Gremelashvil and Kairos "Men's Vocal Ensemble"
Start date 2014-07-08
Start time 19:00
Location Bazylika Drzewa Krzyża Świętego i klasztor oo. Dominikanów w Lublinie, ul. Złota 9
Kategoria Koncert

Lekso Gremelashvili and „Kairos” Men’s Vocal Ensemble: „Song of Infinity”

Lekso Gremelashvili and „Kairos” Men’s Vocal Ensemble (conductor Borys Somerschaf) – singing
Tadeusz Czechak – oud, lyre
Michał Żak – flute, clarinet, zurna, duduk
Wojciech Lubertowicz – frame drum

"Song of Infinity” is a unique artistic experiment, uniting multicultural musical traditions of Eastern Europe, Middle East and Caucasus. This vocal-instrumental project is an attempt to find a universal musical language, to transgress the rigid borders between cultures and religions, and to reach towards the very essence of Christianity. Created in different epochs and countries, sacred and secular, sung in a number of languages, they become timeless carriers of meaning.

The voices of the KAIROS singers are interlaced with the sounds of original and authentic instruments from all over the world, creating a new high-quality entity that is evocative of interpretations and associations. The voice of remarkable Georgian singer Lekso Gremalashvili puts finishing touches upon music, embellishing it with nuance.

With regard to its structure, “Song of Infinity” is typically a world music piece, containing elements of ethno and folk music. The sound is complemented by subtle lighting, engaging the audience to participate in an artistic meeting of cultures, worlds, religions and nationalities.

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