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Musical Picnic with Chonabibe

Musical Picnic with Chonabibe
Start date 2014-07-26
Start time 15:00
Location Most im. inż. Mariana Lutosławskiego
Kategoria Koncert

Musical Picnic with Chonabibe

Lublin-based band playing music according to their own broad definition. Led by Jahdeck who is also the author of lyrics and most of the compositions, the band comprises vocalist Fat Matthew, drummer V-tech, keyboard player Czekol (Check All) and DJ Positivo. Live on stage, Chonabibe is complemented by guitarist Yankee.

Apart from the concert, the picnic will feature the so-called Battle for the Bridge: an outdoor hip hop dance contest hosted by one of the best hip hop dancers in the country. The winner of the Battle will be granted a two-day ticket for the Chonabibe Festival held in Opole Lubelskie. Additionally, picnic participants will be given a chance to learn the basics of beatboxing, compose and record their own track.

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