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Play/performance: Bastion – preview

Play/performance: Bastion – preview
Start date 2014-08-16
Start time 19:00
Kategoria Event

directed by: Tomasz Bazan; choreography and dance: Tomasz Bazan and Tomasz Fabiański; dramaturgy: Enzo Abe, Tomasz Bazan; video, design: Patrycja Płanik; music: Marcin Janus; stage: Maciej Połynko, Karol Rębisz; production: Maria Sapeta – The Centre for Culture in Lublin – Maat Festival – Teatr Maat Projekt, The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
“We have assumed that people in their actions are not rational or – at least – only happen to be rational, which stems both from their individual traits and from the construction of the world as such. However, they are not stupid and crave knowledge regarding their ontological situation and their future. That is why, they would willingly, though without any enjoyment, listen to news reports that can be simply summarized as: the foreseeable future will not get any better.”
/Marcin Król, „Europa w obliczu końca”/”Europe in the face of an ending”/
Free admission
Complimentary tickets are available from the Centre for Culture in Lublin’s box office from 21 July till 14 August.
Box office:
Open Monday to Friday from 12 am till 5 pm and an hour before the event proper.

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