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Concert: Wojtek Mazolewski Quintet

Concert: Wojtek Mazolewski Quintet
Start date 2014-09-24
Start time 19:00
Kategoria Koncert

Tickets: I - 50 zł, II - 40 zł, III - 25 zł

Wojtek Mazolewski is a unique figure on the Polish music scene. A charismatic bass player who cumulates (and culminates) all his energy in music. Although he started his foray into music from punk rock, he soon, not unlike many of his fellow Tricity jazz musicians, reached the shores of genre-defiant and game-changing yass. Wojtek’s Quintet (Wojtek is also the leader of Pink Freud) features among others outstanding pianist and composer Joanna Duda, brilliant trumpeter Oskar Török and virtuoso saxophonist Marek Pospieszalski. The Quintet was the first jazz ensemble to remain on the Polish Radio Programme Three’s chart the longest. No wonder – their music is an enchanting and original blend of positive energy and jazz, tinged with reggae and ska. Entitled “Polka”, their forthcoming album will be released in October.
Anna Drozd, curator of the Old Theatre’s music programme

Oskar Torok - trumpet
Marek Pospieszalski – saxophone
Joanna Duda – keyboards
Kuba Janicki/ Michał Bryndal – percussion
Wojtek Mazolewski – double bass

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