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Musico-theatrical ritual: Ek Tarete Baul – music of wandering mystic

Musico-theatrical ritual: Ek Tarete Baul – music of wandering mystic
Start date 2014-09-26
Start time 14:30
Location Ośrodek Praktyk Teatralnych "Gardzienice" - siedziba w Gardzienicach, Zespół Pałacowy

Musico-theatrical Ritual: Ek Tarete Baul – The Music of A Wandering Mystic

Shyam Khyapa (Samiran Adhikary) – Baul, performer of traditional Hindu music. The creative output of Bengali Bauls had a considerable influence on the poetry of Rabindranatha Tagore, and to this day hold its sway over the culture of West Bengal. The wisdom and religious practices of the Bauls may be experienced only through first-hand contact with their singing and music.

Shyam Khyapa will conduct in Gardzienice the so far unknown in Poland musico-theatrical Ritual called The Music of A Wandering Mystic.

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