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Little Music (Mała muzyka)

Little Music (Mała muzyka)
Start date 2014-11-23
Start time 16:00

Little Music (Mała muzyka)
Little music

For children aged up to 3.
Little Music (Mała muzyka)

The November Edition.

"Little music" is a series of meetings catering to the youngest audience. Children are active participants in each concert, which is based on musical improvisation, vocal ad libbing, and impromptu dancing and movement.

It is the children that through their reactions set the topic of the musical conversation and the musicians-animators attempt to live up to the expectations set by the children's imagination.

Hosted by: Ewa Kuszewska
Tickets: 25 PLN

(tickets are sold for children only; accompanying adults enter free of charge. Only one accompanying adult may join the child onstage; the other accompanying adult wishing to participate in "Little music" remains seated). Tickets are available at the box office. Early booking is recommended.)

This musical dialogue is a conversation happening through the language of music and the sounds each of us is equipped with from the moment we are born.The purpose of this dialogue is to reach deep down into the human being's latent but innate musicality, to draw on the hidden reservoirs of diverse musical abilities: perception, differentiation, recognition, and remembering of sounds. Also, our goal is to help children (and adults alike) notice (and hear!) the logic behind sounds as well as to be able to experience music emotionally.

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