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Finissage of the 5 Grodzka Street Project

Finissage of the 5 Grodzka Street Project
Start date 2014-12-05
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A

A last chance to see the 5 Grodzka Street Project

Paweł Laufer's "Poste Restante" - part of the "5 Grodzka Street" Project
“Poste Restante” (literary installation) is an attempt to symbolically evoke the memory of people long gone – people who used to live at 5 Grodzka Street – and of their stories, in particular, of events that the building with its labyrinth of passages and staircases was witness to. In order to make it all possible, we would like to start by, at least temporarily, giving back a very identifiable, physical place to these people, namely their personal addresses lodged in the present, as concretised by letterboxes bearing their names.
Located in the corridors and staircases of the building at 5 Grodzka Street, the letterboxes will become an allegory of the recurrent presence of the absent. Inside each letterbox, there is a letter-collage, reconstructed and composed on the basis of archival recordings, documents, and notes related to the building and its residents. “Poste Restante” is a manifestation of the consciousness that the letters sent will never reach their addressees. These epistles will remain undelivered and as long as we allow them to occupy this space of in-betweenness they will serve as the residents’ memorial.

The exhibition will be accompanied by the screening of “Poste Restante” (2008), a short film directed by Marcel Łoziński. Łoziński’s “Post Restante” is a fourteen-minute documentary showing a story of one of millions letters that each year do not reach their addressees. Undelivered, they are sent to the Post Office in Koluszki, where such letters are dealt with.

Marcel Łoziński (director, screenplay), Jacek Petrycki (photography), Tomasz Wieczorek (sound), Rafał Listopad (editing), Małgorzata Jaworska (music), Michał Białożej (production manager) Dorota Roszkowska, Arkana Studio (producer).

The work is open to the general public Monday to Friday, 9:30 am – 4.30 pm
Curator: Magdalena Ujma
Coordinator: Anna Gładysz
Organiser: Workshops of Culture in Lublin

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