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Exhibition: Stanisław Dróżdż – "Pojęciokształty. Poezja konkretna" / "Concept-Shapes. Concrete Poetry"

Exhibition: Stanisław Dróżdż – "Pojęciokształty. Poezja konkretna" / "Concept-Shapes. Concrete Poetry"
Start date 2015-04-20
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2015-05-20

Stanisław Dróżdż (1939-2009) is one of the most prominent 20th century Polish avant-garde artists and the imminent author of concrete poetry. Out of words, letters, digits and symbols Dróżdż created projects implemented later in the forms of typescripts, photographic prints, computer printouts, objects, spatial installations and interactive pieces of art organized as single works and cycles or complicated systems composed of many elements.

"I feel as a poet, more as a poet than as an artist. My poetry is closer to science rather than art."


The title of the exhibition refers to one of the displayed works as well as to the universality and timelessness of Dróżdż' s oeuvre.

The exhibition will open on 20 April at 5pm. The event will include a meeting with the late artist's wife, Ms. Anna Dróżdż.

The exhibition is held courtesy of Ms. Anna Dróżdż.

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