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Start date 2018-08-24
Start time 19:00
Location Radio Lublin, ul. Obrońców Pokoju 2, 20-030 Lublin
Organizer Radio Lublin S.A.
Participation for free
Cost of participation zaproszenia do wygrania na antenie Radia Lublin i na FB
Kategoria Koncert

L.Stadt is a band from Łódź which has released four full-length albums. It is also one of the few Polish bands to have performed at major festivals around the world, including SXSW in Austin (USA).

Last year, after a three-year break, L.Stadt returned with a new album, L.Story. The first Polish-language album of the band was promoted by the single Oczy kamienic. The new record is a surprising and diverse material. After experiencing different varieties of alt rock, surf and country, the band reached for new means of expression. On the stage they will be accompanied, among others, by the choir of the Chorea Theatre in Łódź, while the eclectic new material is bonded together by the lyrics of Konrad Dworakowski.

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