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Promotion & dissemination

Promotion & dissemination

 "700 anniversary of thecity of Lublin"

broszura ZDE

Brochure "The Union of Lublin (1569) - A historical example of the integration of two countries, unique in the history of Europe, and a breakthrough moment in the development of democratic principles."

The concept of the brochure was substantively developed by a team from Lublin consisting of Małgorzata Kowalczyk, Hubert Mącik, Michał Trzewik, Marlena Wronka, while the linguistic editing, graphic design and typesetting were handled by the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw. The brochure has been prepared in three language versions: Polish, English and German. In 2015, with funds from the Office of the Conservator of Monuments, we managed to finance the printing of all language versions.


Presentation "The Union of Lublin. Challenges and experiences

Presentation on popularizing the idea of the Sign. Presentation given in Brussels at the Forum dedicated to the 10th anniversary of EHL in 2022.


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